Both parties, including scientists, teachers, and group leaders must adhere to a code of conduct to participate in Skype A Scientist. Find each in full below.
Skype a Scientist’s mission is to make science accessible and fun through personal connections with scientists. As such, we ask volunteers to help fulfill this mission and uphold our values. Our values are education, good communication, inclusion, diversity, and honesty. Volunteers are expected to understand and uphold this code of conduct when carrying out their interactions in Skype a Scientist’s programs.
Volunteers are held to the following expectations:
Unacceptable Behavior
Corrective Actions
Should a negative event occur and be reported by a teacher or group leader:
The Organization Agrees To
Skype a Scientist and Sarah Mack Sci. Comm. Inc. will not be held accountable for any breach of agreement on the part of teachers or group leaders. By signing on the sign-up form, you agree that you have read and fully understand and will abide by the organization’s code of conduct.
Volunteers are held to the following expectations:
- Be respectful and courteous when speaking with classrooms and groups and when speaking with staff and other organization volunteers.
- Make science education fun and interesting, and tailored to the group during volunteer sessions e.g. don’t use elementary educational tools for college-aged groups
- Be honest when speaking with classrooms and groups and when speaking with staff and other organization volunteers
- Dress, speak, and act appropriately and professionally while volunteering
- Act ethically while volunteering
- Attend sessions you agree to punctually
- Inform appropriate staff and teachers or groups if you are unable to make your session
- Represent the organization’s mission and values while volunteering
- Be encouraging and positive when interacting with classrooms and other groups
- Contact organization staff when unsure of anything relating to the volunteering sessions
Unacceptable Behavior
- Breaching any confidentiality before, during, and after volunteering sessions e.g. posting photos of classrooms you volunteered with without receiving consent from teachers; discussing another scientist’s/volunteer’s personal information or media without their consent
- Using “bad” language during volunteer sessions
- Soliciting any kind of promotion or materials during volunteer sessions
- Speaking negatively about the organization before, during, or after a session (please go to staff with any concerns)
- Speaking negatively, disparagingly, or morbidly about topics or questions presented during a volunteering session e.g. if an elementary school student asks a climate scientist about the lasting effects of global warming, that scientist should not discuss any bleak outlooks they may have on the topic; discuss any negative takes on political subjects relating to science
- Placing personal gain above the interest of the organization
Corrective Actions
Should a negative event occur and be reported by a teacher or group leader:
- The volunteer will be asked about the event if deemed necessary
- The volunteer may be asked to leave the organization if necessary
- The volunteer may be asked to attend a mediation event if necessary
The Organization Agrees To
- Provide at least basic communications training for volunteers
- Be available for questions and feedback
- Provide helpful feedback when requested
- Keep volunteers informed about upcoming events, training sessions, and volunteering sessions
- Treat all volunteers and their concerns with respect
- Not disclose any volunteer personal information or concerns – including photos or other media – without their consent
- Provide an agreement to teachers and group leaders regarding their appropriate conduct with volunteers
Skype a Scientist and Sarah Mack Sci. Comm. Inc. will not be held accountable for any breach of agreement on the part of teachers or group leaders. By signing on the sign-up form, you agree that you have read and fully understand and will abide by the organization’s code of conduct.
Teachers and Group Leaders Will
Skype a Scientist and Sarah Mack Sci. Comm. Inc. will not be held accountable for any breach of agreement on the side of the teacher/group leader.
- Provide questions from students or group members to scientist volunteers in a timely manner if requested by scientist
- Ensure they have access to the appropriate technology well before the session
- Ensure questions are appropriate for the scientist participating
- Acquire parent permission for scientist sessions ahead of time if necessary
- Alert organization staff if any problems arise before, during, or after a session
- Inform organization staff if something occurs making the classroom or group unable to participate in a session
- Share any confidential information from scientist volunteers or students without consent to e.g. teachers may not share photos of scientist volunteers without proper consent
- Ask any inappropriate questions of/to the volunteer
- Ask the scientist volunteer to do more sessions than they signed up for (one session per form)
- Treat scientist volunteers with disrespect
- Allow students or group members to treat scientist volunteers with disrespect
- Provide appropriate materials to teachers and group leaders
- Provide assistance to teachers and group leaders as necessary
- Answer teacher and group leader questions and concerns as promptly as possible
- Do its best to match teachers with the appropriate/requested scientist volunteer
- Provide a code of conduct to all scientist volunteers before sessions
- Provide communication lessons to scientist volunteers before sessions
- Do its best to ensure appropriate, fun, and educational interactions with scientist volunteers
Skype a Scientist and Sarah Mack Sci. Comm. Inc. will not be held accountable for any breach of agreement on the side of the teacher/group leader.